Ralph Kupka, voorzitter van het landelijk Kenniscentrum Bipolaire Stoornissen, heeft de ISBD Mogens Schou Award for Education and Teaching 2021 gewonnen!
Het bestuur van KenBiS feliciteert hem van harte met deze prachtige erkenning!
De International Society for Bipolar Disorders (ISBD) over de Mogens Schou Award:
The ISBD Awards committee seeks to identify candidates for the Mogens Schou Award whose contributions, commitment and passion honor the legacy of Prof. Schou. Your development of numerous courses and educational products, delivery of countless talks to the entire spectrum of stakeholders in bipolar disorder, oversight of educational programing at prominent bipolar and mood disorders meetings, and innovative approach to education have advanced the pedagogy in bipolar disorders substantially over the course of your career. On top of these tremendous achievements, you remain modest and are both affable and charming. In recognition of your tireless efforts in this area, we are pleased to be able to present you with this Award in Prof. Schou’s name.