Promoties / proefschriften


Bipolar disorder during pregnancy and the postpartum period: Patients’ considerations, course of bipolar disorder and impact of sleep loss (SLEEPREG-BD)
Dr. Anja Stevens
Promotie 10 november 2023 – VU Amsterdam

Predictors, symptom dynamics and neural mechanisms of bipolar disorders
Dr. Rahele Mesbah
Promotie 17 oktober 2023 – LUMC

Development and implementation of E-health interventions to improve self-management and well-Being in patients with bipolar disorder (WELLBE-BD)
Dr. Bart Geerling
Promotie 14 september 2023 – Universiteit Twente

Mental imagery and mood instability in patients with bipolar disorders
Dr. Karin van den Berg
Promotie 23 juni 2023 – Maastricht University

Balancing the highs and lows: Diagnostics, understanding and treatment of recurrence in older adults with bipolar disorder
Dr. Melis Orhan
Promotie 6 juli 2023 – VU Amsterdam

Klinische toepassing van stadieringsmodellen voor de bipolaire stoornis
Dr. Afra van der Markt
Promotie 13 januari 2023 – VU Amsterdam


In search of balance: Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy 
Dr. Imke Hanssen
Promotie 8 juli 2022 – Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen


Living well with bipolar disorder – integrating positive psychology and personal recovery into the treatment of bipolar disorder
Dr. Jannis Kraiss
Promotie 12 november 2021 – Universiteit Twente

Searching for order in disorder: self-management education for persons with bipolar disorders and their informal caregivers
Dr. Silvio van den Heuvel
Promotie 11 januari 2021 – Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen

E-health and Severe Mental Illness: A Painstaking Process, E-health Added to the Illness Management and Recovery Program
Dr. Titus Beentjes
Promotie 11 januari 2021 – Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen